Ministries, Groups and Volunteers.

There are many ways we can experience and bring Christ’s love to our community. Our Parish endeavours to reach out to all. In particular, we wish to show our faith and love in action by contributing to everyone with their faith development, as well as their physical and social needs. This directory lists the Parish groups, some of which may be of interest to you or your family. Please call the Office on 9484 1427 or use the email form at the bottom to contact the group leader for the area of your interest.

New to the Parish, or wishing to be involved? We know that when you move it takes some time to settle into the area. We would like to welcome you into the St Agatha’s Parish community. Please don’t hesitate to email us or drop into the Callahan Centre and introduce yourself to the members of the Parish team. We could facilitate an introduction into one of our groups or ministries if you like.

If you have an idea for an additional need in our Parish, please feel free to bring it to our attention. Also, if you have been ‘out of circulation’ for a while, as can happen in our busy society, please feel free to contact one of the appropriate groups below. You are most welcome to re-connect with us through the Callaghan Centre or complete the online form below. 

email the office  

God’s blessings,
Fr Raphael Kimaro, AJ, Parish Priest.

Parish Pastoral Council:

A group of parishioners elected to help develop the Parish as a Christian community. This group of nominated women and men meet each month and set the agenda to meet current and future needs of the parish. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427

Liturgical Ministries:

Altar (Mass) preparation:
Families are rostered monthly to prepare the altar for Mass and ensure all liturgical ministers have arrived.
Contact: Amelia Pereira

Altar Servers:
Assist at Sunday Masses every 2 –3 weeks
Parish Office: 9484 1427

Altar Society:
Takes care of the sanctuary and sacristy.
Joan Corbett

Children’s Liturgy:
A parallel form of Liturgy of the Word is oered for primary school children at the 9am and 10.30am Mass on Sundays during school term. Contact: Parish Office:9484 1427

Eucharistic  Ministers:
Assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at Sunday and weekday Masses and take Communion to the sick and housebound. Contact: Parish Office:9484 1427

Music Ministry:
The music ministry provides music for Sunday Mass and, where appropriate, the Sacramental Program. It also provides support, resources and training in selecting appropriate liturgical music and using resources such as audio-visual projection, microphones and music licenses. To find further information, see the Music Ministers Resouce page on this website.

Join a music group for Sunday Mass,
Resources & Training: Peter Bowron

Two readers are rostered on each weekend Mass to proclaim the Liturgy of the Word. Contact: Parish Office:9484 1427

Organise the collection of money for weekend Masses. Contact: Parish Office:9484 1427

Pious Goods Store:
Opens after 7.30am, 9am and 10.30am Masses on Sunday. Please contact the Parish Oce if you need to purchase an item during business hours. Contact: Parish Office:9484 1427

Faith Formation:

Gospel Reflection Group:
Informal small discussion, prayer and sharing. Contact: Anne Bailey:9484 1427

Assist with faith education classes in government primary schools. Contact: Tina Muscat:9484 1427

Parish Library:
Excellent books for borrowing. Contact: 

Prayer Group:
To learn about and experience new forms of prayer. Contact: 

Adult Sacramental Program – Rite of Initiation for Adults (RCIA):
A faith journey for adults considering joining our Catholic community (in small groups). See our page on this website or Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427

A faith journey for children and their families joining our Catholic community. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427

Sacramental Programs:
The preparation for reception of the Sacraments is a Parish family centred program. See our pages on this website. For children’s sacramental program including Confirmation, Reconciliation & Eucharist: please contact: Tina Muscat: 9484 1427

Child Baptism: Please contact the Parish Office: 9484 1427 or see this page on Baptism for more information.

For Adult preparation and reception of the Sacraments for full communion with the Catholic Faith, please see the RCIA page on this web site or Contact: the Parish Office for a relaxed discussion, Parish Office: 9484 1427.

Legion of Mary:
Meet each week to pray the rosary and to read and discuss together; reach out to others with visits & other good works. Contact: Marie & John Fernando.

Social Groups:

Family Groups:
Groups of families gather once a month to enjoy a social occasion and to gradually develop supportive relationships. Contact:

Gathering Point:
A get-together each Wednesday for senior members of our Parish. Contact: Shirley Lohman

Share a Meal:
The men of the Parish meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 12 noon and the ladies of the Parish meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 12noon. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427

55 & Over Friendship Group:
We meet every couple of months for social outings, and other activities. Details in the Parish bulletin or on the notices section in this website. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427

Majellan Play Group (0-4yrs):
For the children a time for play and craft activities; for the parents an opportunity for conversation and companionship. Contact: Fiona MacFarlane or Annalisa Dwyer.

Mission beyond Parish:

Matthew Talbot Hostel:
Feeds many homeless men in the inner city daily. Contact: Greg Hargreaves: 9484 9264

Getting to know you:
Social visit to those wishing companionship, to those in hospital/ or requiring the occasional helping hand (e.g. transport to parish activities).Contact: Parish Office:  9484 1427

St Vincent de Paul:
Helps those in need on a personal basis. If you would like to be involved or need assistance please contact the Parish Office: 9484   1427

Welcome Group:
Greet parishioners at our liturgies. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427


Finance Committee:
Appointed by the Parish Priest to assist in the financial management of the Parish. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427

Money Counters:
Process envelopes and Sunday Mass collections every week. Contact: Parish Office: 9484 1427.

Groups General Inquiry form

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St Agatha's Catholic Parish,
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
PO Box 127, Pennant Hills, NSW, 1715
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, (Enter through Trebor Road – see Map)
Phone: 02 9484 1427  

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