Here is the link to join the daily Rosary on Zoom during the time of the Coronavirus isolation. It is held at 12:00 noon Mon – Fri for the next few months. You can either –

  1. Local call telephone 8015 6011 and enter the Meeting ID: 925 7546 8077, or
  2. Join Zoom the Meeting by clicking here
The Rosary is prayed each weekday at 9:10 am before the 9:30 am Mass and after the 8:30 am Mass on Saturday in our Parish Church – 20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 (Enter through Trebor Road – During school term access through Trebor Rd may be limited).

Why pray The Rosary?
The Rosary is part of Catholic veneration of Mary, however it also represents the Roman Catholic emphasis on “participation in the life of Mary, whose focus was Christ”. The purpose of the Rosary is to help keep in memory certain principal events or mysteries in the history of our salvation, and to thank and praise God for them. We pray through and with Mary asking her to intercede for us with her Son, Jesus. Throughout Church history, many popes and saints have highly recommended that we pray the rosary. St. Louis de Montfort said, ‘When the Holy Rosary is said well, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and is more meritorious than any other prayer.’ Pope John Paul II declared the Rosary as his favourite prayer, a “prayer for peace and for the family”.

Catholics pray the rosary as a means of spiritual growth. In various apparitions, Mary has appeared holding a rosary and has asked that we continue to pray this prayer. She always leads us to her Son, and presents our needs before Him. Prayer is about developing our relationship with God, and loving Him more. By meditating on the events of Christ’s life presented in the rosary we come to know God. 

For details on how to pray the Rosary please download this PDF document. Should you wish to learn more please complete the form below or join us after the Saturday Mass in our Parish Church – 20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120 – map below (Enter through Trebor Road).


Rosary enquiry form

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St Agatha's Catholic Parish,
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
PO Box 127, Pennant Hills, NSW, 1715
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, (Enter through Trebor Road – see Map)
Phone: 02 9484 1427  

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