World Youth Day Participants from the Diocese

St Agatha’s Youth Group

“Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another man.” Proverbs 27:17

Giving yourself a break is important – especially in this chaotic life! And attending regular youth group is so beneficial because it gives us an opportunity to mentally and spiritually refresh with people who have something in common with you – a love for God!

Friday evenings at St. Agatha’s are packed with fun, food and faith so come and join us for an awesome time, bring a friend and meet new friends in Christ! We have wild games lined up but also hot topics for prayer and discussion AND we’ve arranged a variety of different activities for each week such as talks, meditation, videos and more JUST FOR YOU!

Our aims include:

  •  Providing spiritual nourishment for faith in a busy life,
  •  Forming friendships with good looking and like-minded people,
  •  Lifting each other up to a closer and stronger relationship with God,
  •  Connecting our social lives to our spiritual lives.

Weeks 1 & 3 of the month – YEAR 7 – 9 Youth Group

Weeks 2 & 4 of the month – YEAR 10 – 12 Youth Group

So what’s next, you ask? Good question! If you’re interested in coming along you can get in contact with our youth minister, Rachel, here. We hope to see you around on a Friday night soon.



News & Happenings

Music Evening for WYD

Music Evening for WYD

Join us for an evening of classical and contemporary music hosted by the youth of St. Agatha's Parish. All proceeds from this event will go towards the youth of St. Agatha's as they prepare for World Youth Day, 2023. Refreshments and Raffle Prizes will also be...

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Youth Group every second Friday evening in Term 2. Next one, Friday 28th June. Year 10+, Young Adults (St. Agatha’s Office) every second Sunday evening in Term 2. For any inquiries, contact youthworker@stagatha.org.au

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Join young people (youth & young adults) from the Diocese. Friday, 7th June, 6pm - 9pm, Our Lady of Dolours, Chatswood.

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Youth Group Term 1

Come along for faith-filled Friday evenings with St. Agatha’s Youth! Year 7-9 (St. Agatha’s School Hall): Fortnightly on Friday evenings, 7pm to 9pm on 8th March, 22nd March, and 5th April. Year 10+, Young Adults (St. Agatha’s Office): Fortnightly on Sunday evenings...

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Youth Leaders Wanted

Calling all Year 11/12 students looking for community service hours, or young adults wanting to build your resume with volunteer work, come and serve at Aggies Youth Group! St. Agatha’s youth ministry is looking for committed volunteers to help out in leading youth...

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Youth Raise Money for Homeless

Thank you to all who contributed to our gathering after the 6pm Mass last Sunday for homemade lasagne and salad around a fire pit! We raised $410 for Vinnies to support those suffering homelessness.

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Year of the Cross

The Broken Bay Year of Youth Cross is having time in each parish this year. St Agatha’s is to have the Cross from 28th July to 10th August. As part of the Parish, St Agatha’s school and Mt St Benedict College will have opportunities for prayer and reflection with the...

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St Agatha's Catholic Parish,
Pennant Hills, NSW 2120
PO Box 127, Pennant Hills, NSW, 1715
20 Boundary Road, Pennant Hills NSW 2120, (Enter through Trebor Road – see Map)
Phone: 02 9484 1427  

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