Welcome to St. Agatha’s Music Ministry!
“all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious, and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy.” Sacrosanctum Concilium, 14
As music ministers, our aim is to enable the congregation to be fully part of the liturgy. Much of the mass is meant to be sung, and those parts generally belong to the people – they are not for solo performance, but for communal worship. We may guide the worship, we may augment the beauty of the singing, But we must sing as part of our worshiping community. If you have musical skills, in voice or instrument, and wish to serve the people of God in this way, please come and join us! We also need people who would like to contribute their audio visual skills – you need a bit of familiarity with a computer, but nothing extraordinary apart from being willing to help.
Hymn Guides
View suggested hymns for each Sunday of the 3-year cycle of Masses.
Link to liturgical calendars for future years

Current & Special Rosters and Special Instructions for Musicians